On-line Auctions Solutions
Vander Kolk Auction on-line auctions services
In addition to our traditional auction services we are pleased to offer on-line auctions solutions.
On-line Auctions listings appear in searchable, user-friendly interfaces. These sites lets visitors access listings from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unlike conventional auctions, bidders bid using the internet, with a advertised ending time.
Your items will be accessible here on VKauctions.com and on the online provider’s website.
Contact Us for more information and pricing
Other On-Line Auction Solutions
Vander Kolk on-line auction services.
If determined correct for sale of you merchandise, the on-line auction can be a very viable solution. Although we are live auctioneers first, we understand that maximizing our seller’s return is paramount. Contact us today is to see if an on-line auction is right for you.
Sometimes a particular situation is not ideal for a live or live-only auction, in these cases we offer alternatives.
static timed bidding
Through the use of providers and our website we bring unique items and smaller quantities of items to a vast audience. Each item is professionally listed and presented in a manner that enhances the outcome of the listing.

simulcast LIVE internet bidding
Reserved for larger items and items that have the appeal of a broader audience, simulcast presentation is fast becoming the solution to maximizing the auction dollar. Items are brought to live auction in the traditional manner, advertised in traditional media streams and sold by the live-cry method. In addition to the standard method, these items are presented to on line bidders via web-casting real time with the live auction. Vander Kolk representatives bid on behalf of the cyber-bidders.
on-line auctions absentee bidding
Our most popular and cost effective on-line auctions solution. Selected items are offered for a period of time prior to the live auction through a competitive online bidding platform. The absentee bidding closes at a predetermined time prior to the auction, the bids are then executed at live auction by our staff and any winning bidders notified at the conclusion of the auction.