Carl Vander Kolk & Jeff Lenhart Collections – February 19th 2022 – Dorr, Mich. Join us for a fantastic Live auction for the tractor collections of Jeff Lenhart and Carl Vander Kolk. Approximately 50 tractors and memorabilia of many brands and manufacturers. Online bidding will also be available.
note: Some early ads had a different address. The correct address for the live auction is 4311 30th St Dorr, Michigan 49323
Live Public
Collector Tractors – The Carl Vander Kolk & Jeff Lenhart Collections
Saturday February 19th, 2021 – 10 am
4311 30th St. Dorr, Michigan
Preview Friday February 18th – 10am – 4pm
Allis Chalmers WD45 – single front wheel, cultivators, non-running gas
Allis Chalmers D15 – gas, wide front, snap coupler
Allis Chalmers D17 – 6180 hours, 3 pt. 1 remote, wide front, gas
Case DO
Case 570
Farmall AV – high crop, belt pulley, PTO, New tires, ser # AV60465
Ferguson TO 30 – 3 pt., Sherman transmission, non-running
Fordson Major – non-running
Fordson Major bulldozer – completely restored, said to have previously belonged to Henry Ford
Ford 9N – with mounted Ford corn picker gas, Sherman transmission ga
Ford 800 – gas, 3 pt., Elenco 4 wheel drive system, 671 hours showing, rear wheel weights, gas, 3 pt.
Ford 800 – wide front, gas, 3 pt., 1 remote
Ford 861 – diesel, Select-O-Speed, 3 pt., 1491 hours showing
Ford 901 – Select -O- Speed tractor narrow front, 2307 hours, 3 pt., gas, has a 971 hood
Ford 1710 high crop – diesel
Ford 2000 diesel – 3 pt., umbrella canopy
Ford 3000 – diesel, narrow front, 3 pt.
Ford 4110 – gas, turf tires, no 3 pt. Select-O-Speed, Industrial
Ford 5000 – diesel, wide front, 3 pt.
Hart Parr 28-44 hand crank start
New Holland Boomer 8N – diesel, 4wd, 81 hours, ROPS, 3 pt. 2 front weights
Oliver Super 44 – cultivators, hydraulics, gas, ser # 552400
Oliver Super 44 – wide front, gas, no cultivator, ser # 8035
Oliver Super 55 – 3 pt., 2 bottom plow
Oliver 550 – with loader wide front, gas, loader, 2736 hours, 3 pt., ser # 1201783
Oliver 60 row crop – with cultivators narrow front, gas, aluminum sheet metal, ser # 163120
Oliver 60 – parts tractor missing pieces, narrow front, gas
Oliver 70 row crop – narrow front, gas, ser # 244779
Oliver Hart Parr 70 – narrow front, steel wheels, ‘tip toes’ on rear, electric start, 1937 model, ser # 214698
Oliver 77 – orchard
Oliver 77 – cultivators, gas, narrow front, non-running
Oliver 77 – Narrow front, serial # 350792
Oliver 77 row crop – gas, narrow front
Oliver Super 77 – gas, narrow front
Oliver Super 77 – narrow front, gas, restored, hydraulics, 1 remote, ser # 21021
Oliver Super 77 – Gas, narrow front, ser # 5196
Oliver 88 Row Crop – Narrow front, gas, hydra electric, ser# 141261
Oliver 88 row crop – rare 88 with 80 sheet metal from factory, non-running
Oliver Super 88 Diesel – narrow front, 2 remotes, ser # 37416
Oliver 880 diesel – wide front, 1654 hours, 1 remote, ser # 16367 – tractor runs but water pump is shot and radiator has a gouge
Oliver 995 – Lug A Matic, Diesel, wide front, 1958 model, 1 remote, 3670 hours
Oliver 1550 – gas, wide front, 3 pt., 2 remotes, 4195 hours, ser # 201845
Oliver 1650 – diesel, narrow front, 3 pt., Hydra power, 2 remotes, 3669 hours, ser # 150171
Oliver 1750 – diesel, wide front, 3 pt., 6121 hours, ser # 191520
Oliver OC3 crawler
Oliver OC6 crawler
Oliver 75 lawnmower
Porter Cable Mark 26 lawn mower no mower deck
Minneapolis Moline Lawnmower
Minneapolis Moline U302 – non-running
Muscle Tractors
Allis Chalmers XT 190 – diesel, 3 pt., New tach, 2 remotes, restored
Case 970 – diesel, 3 pt., new tach, 2 remotes, 4 front weights, ser # 2340760 restored
Ford 8000 – diesel, 3 pt., dual remotes, 5507 hours, 18.4×38 rears, restored
International 856 – diesel, 3 pt., 1 remote, 6753 hours, ser #16380 restored
John Deere 4020 – diesel, 3 pt., restored, side console, 1972 model, synchro transmission, 1 remote, starter weights, 18.4×34, 9246 hours, ser# 262340
Massey Ferguson 1100 – diesel, 3 pt., 2 remotes, 18.4×34, 4850 hours, ser# CDW650004026 restored
Minneapolis Moline G950 – An original red, white and blue version, diesel, 3 pt., 2 remotes, 18.4×38, 2349 hours, ser# 43600374, restored
Oliver 1850 – diesel, wide front, 3 pt., 2 remotes, 5338 hours, ser # 174848
Memoribilia, Signs, Toys, Implements, Parts
Minneapolis Moline neon dealer sign still in crate – Paul Patin dealer – nice
Minneapolis Moline porcelain dealer sign
Oliver 3×3 metal sign
Large assortment of literature
Nice line-up of farm toys
Oliver 565 5 bottom plow
Ford 5 bottom plow
Minneapolis Moline MM600 5 bottom plow
Case 5 bottom plow
John Deere F145 5 bottom plow
Massey Ferguson 5 bottom plow
Allis Chalmers 5 bottom plow
International 510 5 bottom plow
Minneapolis Moline 2 row corn planter
Oliver mount sicle mower
Oliver Superior grain drill
Oliver self propelled chopper engine – same as 2150
many pallets of parts