All posts by Scott

Scott Vander Kolk Jr. - Auction manager/advertising/Auctioneer Graduate of Brunswick School of Auctioneering. Scott Jr. worked in the family auction business for 13 years before striking out on his own. Vander Kolk has done several successful auctions including lumber-yard liquidations, consignment auctions, private sales and fundraisers. Scott is a 2-time MSAA bid-calling finalist, Past President of the Michigan State Auctioneers association, current Chairman of the Board and a 2007 recipient of the Lloyd R. Braun scholarship. Scott has successfully completed the NAA Certified Estate Specialist and Benefit Auction Specialist courses, and is a member of the Michigan State Auctioneers Association. Scott is a licensed auctioneer in the state of Indiana, license # AU10900080.

Voelker Spring Auction 2013 Big Rapids, MI.

Voelker Spring Auction 2013

Our yearly spring consignment is one of the biggest in Michigan. 2 rings all day with 8 auctioneers.The yearly consignment auction features Tractors and farm machinery view the archive listing

Past Auctions – Vander Kolk Auction and Appraisal

6th Annual

Saturday March 16th 9:00 am

18880 Northland Dr – Big Rapids, MI

Tractors * Tillage * Hay equipment * Forage Equipment * Vehicles * Planters * Livestock Equipment * Harvest Equipment * MORE

Voelker Implement along with many consigner items sell with no reserve
to the highest bidder !

Please call or email to consign:

Larry Dunkel – (231) 250-0156 email [email protected]

Scott Vander Kolk Jr. ph. (616) 437-1047 email [email protected]

Commission Rates (charged on a per item basis):

$1-$250…25%     $251-$1000…15%     $1001-$6250…8%     $6251-$20000…$500
$20001-$35000…$750     $35001-$50000…$1000     $50000 and above…$1250

A no sale fee of $50 will be charged for per item sales up to $20000, for sales over $20000 a $100 no-sale fee will be charged per item.

Check back for latest updates

JD 5095M, 2010, MFWD, 640 hrs., pwr. reverser, JD 553 loader, very clean village owned.

JD 6200, 6769 hrs., 2 wd., open station, syncro trans., 18.4×30 tires. 

JD 4440, 1981, 4000 hrs. 2wd., cab, 18.4×38 tires w/axle duals @ 75%. very good condition, clean tractor.

JD 4050, 15 spd. pwr. shift, 2wd., cab, 12000 hrs., updated ac. 

IH 1466,1975,6900 hrs., year round cab,18.4×38 rear 10.00×16 front.  runs good.

JD 4850, MFWD, power shift, new 20.8×38 tires w/axle duals @ 80%

JD 7410, MFWD, rblt. trans., pwr.quad.,8000 hrs.

JD 6320L, MFWD, w/640 loader. 

JD 4430, 2wd.,quad trans.,4 post,18.4×34 tires w/duals.

JD 2020, gas, w/loader.

JD 2020, gas, 

Ford 9600, 2wd.,cab,18.4×38 tires.

Ford 8600, 2wd.,cab,18.4×38 tires.

CASE 1030, diesel, wide front.

MF 4233, 2wd.,733 hrs.

Ford  3000, diesel.

JD 2010, utility, gas.

JD 2020, utility, gas w/loader. 

JD 6300, MFWD, w/640 loader, open station.

JD 4000, diesel, wide front.

JD 2550, 2wd.

JD 2550, 2wd., w/ JD 146 loader.

JD 2640, 2 wd.

Ford 8700, 2 wd., open station.

Ford 7700, 2 wd., w/cab.

MF 180, 2 wd.

MF 165, diesel w/loader.

JD 7700, 1993, 2319 hrs.,2wd., pwr. quad, 3 remotes,,18.4×38 tires w/duals, 12 front wts., 2 rear wheel wts.

JD 4250, MFWD, pwr. shift.

JD 4440, 2wd., cab, power shift, 20.8×38 tires, 10000 hrs.

JD 2010, row crop, gas, wide front.

JD, 6200, 6769 hrs., 2 wd., syncro trans., open station.

JD 4455, MFWD, 6685 hrs., pwr. shift, 18.4×42 tires w/axle duals, $17,000 spent on trans in 2011.

2006 Challenger MT665B, 2600 hrs., MFWD.,296 hp.,auto guidance display & receiver, air ride cab, 16.9×34 front tires, 20.8×46 rear tires. very good condition.

CASE 1270.

IH 84 hydro.


JD 720, LP gas, narrow front, 10 hrs. on rebuilt motor, 3pt., power steering.

Oliver 77, gas, wide front, runs good.

JD M, w/ belly mower.

Farmall SM, 1953, pulling tractor

JD AO, 1951

Ford 2N.

Oliver, pull type combine w/ grain head. good original condition.

JD 45, combine, w/10ft. grain head, was used last season.

JD 30, pull type combine, w/7ft. grain head, was used last season.

JD 42, pull type combine, pto.

JD # 44,. 2 bottom trailer plow.

Ford 3pt. 2 bottom 12″ plow.

3 pt. hitch off JD 60 tractor.

JD, wide front axle w/hubs, fits 2 cyl. tractor.

Farmall M wide front

Farmall H

John Deere A – 3 pt., elec. start

JD 810, 3×14″ 3pt. plow.

Ford 8N, 1949, restored.

Farmall SH, 1953, restored.

CASE  DC tractor.


NH T2310, MFWD, 662 hrs.,w/NH loader.

NH TC24D, MFWD, w/NH 12LA loader.

JD, 4400, HST MFWD, JD 430 loader.

JD 260, backhoe unit, new, fits JD 2305 & 2210 tractors.

JD 47, backhoe unit, fits JD 4000 series compact tractors.

JD 3320, Hydro, MFWD, 580 hrs., 3pt., pto, 72″ mower deck, & JD 300X loader.

JD 1050, 4000 hrs., 2wd., 8 front wts. 


JD 325 skid loader.

2003 CAT 277, rubber track skid loader, 3000 hrs., good tracks & undercarriage.

GEHL 4625, skid loader.

CASE 1835, skid loader, 450 hrs.

JD 47, loader w/brackets.

JD 146, loader w/long JD brackets &  valve.

JD 740, loader w/JD 7000 series brackets.

JD 640, loader.

STOLL, loader fits JD 6000 & 7000 series tractors.

Bush Hog M646, loader w/85″ QT. bucket, joy stick.      came off Case IH MXM 130.

Round bale spear fits JD 640 loader.

Pallet forks for JD loader.

Round bale hugger fits on a loader, home made.  


JD 9510,combine, RWD., 5240/3460 hrs., 30.5×32 tires.

JD 6620, combine. 

JD 843, 8 row narrow corn head, high tin, good rolls & deck plates.

JD 444, 4 row wide corn head, high tin. good condition.

AC Gleaner L, combine, diesel.

AC 630, 6 row narrow corn head.

JD 918, flex head, good condition w/good poly.

JD 444, corn head, high tin.

JD 216, grain head. 

JD 925, flex head.

JD 915, flex head, steel Stouts 

JD 4400, combine, diesel.

Gleaner series-2, 4 row wide corn head, came off M-3.

JD 920, flex head, good poly, pipe reel, steel stouts.

JD 12ft. grain head.

JD 343, corn head.

JD 213, flex head.

JD 925F, poly flex head, good condition.

Unverferth HT 25, head cart.


2007 Case 850K dozer – 6 way blade, 2200 hrs., wide track

ALLIS-CHALMERS I-60, forklift, gas.

Harley T6, power box rake.

ALLIS-CHALMERS 715, loader-backhoe.

Yale 8000 lb. forklift, LP gas.

CASE 580, TLB, 2 wd., cab.

JCB 530HL, loadall, 32ft. reach, low hrs. on rebuilt Perkins diesel eng., quick attach bucket, forks & 9ft. snow pusher.

Ditch Witch, trencher, w/back fill blade, diesel, 4 wd., good condition.

Vermeer, 3 pt. backhoe.

CASE 450, dozer, 6 way blade.

Liftking, 4 wd. forklift, rebuilt diesel eng.  


JD 2500, plow, 5×18, spring reset.

JD 640, 21ft. disc.

JD 210, 12 ft. disc.

JD BW, 10 ft. disc.

Brillion, 16 ft. field cultivator.

JD 145, 4×16″ plow.

Brillion, 20ft. field cultivator.

JD 950, 12 ft. mulcher.

JD 110, 12 ft. transport disc.

IH 470, 15 ft. transport disc.

John Deere 1350-1450 4×18 plow with new style hitch.

Glencoe 20′ soil finisher.

White 549, plow 7×18″ on land hitch.

JD 210, 15ft. disc.

JD RWA, 12ft. disc.

JD, 12ft. packer, w/transport.

Glencoe, 9 shank soil saver.

Brillion, 12ft. cultipacker.

JD 900, 9 shank ripper, 3pt.

White 271, 18ft. rock flex disc.

CASE IH 6650, Conser-Till disc chisel plow, 16ft. 13 shank, hyd. disc gangs.

Glencoe, 17 shank chisel plow.

Mohawk, 10 shank chisel plow.

20 ft. 3 pt. S tine drag.

Brillion 14′ cultimulcher.

Brillion 12′ packer.

4 row 3 pt. strip till.

Glencoe 7400, 9 shank soil saver.

Brillion PT-10 14′ crowfoot packer.


CASE IH 1220 6row planter, vacuum, dry fertilizer,  early riser monitor, planted less than 100 acres. like new 

White 5400, 4RN, dry fertilizer.

(2) IH 5100 drill, soybean special, 12ft., w/tdm. hitch.

JD 7200, 6RN.,w/liq. fertilizer.

JD 7000, 4RW.,w/dry fertilizer.

IH 400, 6RN. no fertilizer.

(2) IH 5100, soybean special drill.12ft.

Kinze 6RN corn planter, dry fertilizer w/auger fill.

Dry fertilizer cross auger off JD 1750 6 row planter.

JD 1750 6RN, dry fertilizer w/cross auger.


HARDI, 800 gal.60′ hyd. boom, rebuilt pump.

HARDI, Navigator 550 gal.

Century, 500 gal. go-between spray tank, hyd pump.

JD, 500 gallon srayer, 45ft. boom.

HARDI, 500 gal. sprayer, 45 ft. boom.

Demco, 300 gal. sprayer, 45 ft. boom.

Demco, saddle tanks w/mounting brackets.


(2) JD 510, round baler.

JD 336, square baler., w/thrower.

(2)NH 258, hay rakes.

MF 124, square baler.

NH 489, haybine.

NH 1431, 12ft. discbine, good condition.

JD 710 MoCo, 9 ft. sickle mower conditioner.

JD 336, baler.

NH BR 7050, round baler, like new.

JD 945, discbine w/rolls, low acres.

NH BR740, 2004, 4×5 round baler, roto cut, net warp.

JD 956, MoCo, as-is needs repair.

NH BR 740, round baler, net warp, crop cutter.

John Deere, 327 sq. baler with kicker – nice shape

NH 256, hay rake. 

New Idea, 40 ft. elevator, pto.

New Idea, 40 ft. elevator, 110 electric motor.

Kasten, forage box w/8 ton gear.

JD 716A, forage box w/JD 12 ton tandem gear.

NH 489, 9ft. haybine.

NH 847, round baler.

JD 920 MoCo, 9ft. discbine.

(2)NH 717, chopper 1 w/2 row head, 1w/1 row head.

JD 3955, chopper.

JD, 3 row narrow chopper head.

JD, 7 ft. hay head.

NH 469, haybine.

Sitrex, 3pt. 4 wheel hay rake.

Sitrex 8 wheel V rake, pull type, hyd. lift.

2 JD 435, round balers, 4×6 bales, twine only

New Holland 311 hayliner sq. baler – Super Nice!

JD 435, round baler w/net warp.

JD 64 hay rake.

JD 64 hay rake w/tdm. hitch.

JD 1360 rotary mower conditioner.

(2) JD 24T, sq. baler.

Richardson, high lift dump wagon.

CASE 230 sq. baler.

JD, 385 round baler.

NH 782 chopper.

NH 824 2 row chopper head, narrow or wide row.

JD 1327, rotary mower conditioner.

Fransgard T1-4000, 2 basket tedder/rake combo.

New Idea, hay rake.

30 bales of baler twine.

3 pt. 2 bale, bale spear.


900, 6″x7′, 6″x8′, 5″x8′, red pine post, CCA treated.

Pair of 30.5×32 tires.

Miscellaneous tractor weights, rear wheel & front.

Aluminum 12ft. elevator w/110 motor.

16ft. gate (new)

Judson 8ft. drop spreader pull type.

16.9×38 tire.

8ft. packer.

Pig feeder.  

Tongue mounted hyd. pump, 540 pto., radiator w/cooling fan, only one year old. 

NH 518, manure spreader.

NH 195, manure spreader w/ end gate.

One 18.4×38 tire.

Cattle catch gate.

Pair of 18.4×26 tires.

Gehl 1322, V bottom manure spreader.

Pair of 8.3×24 tires w/JD wheels. (new)

Pair of 8×16 tires w/ wheels, like new.

Pair of 9.5×24 tires w/wheels, like new.

JD 350, manure spreader.

Pair of 18.4×34 tires.

JD 1508, 15′ bat wing mower.

JD 4 row 3pt. cultivator.

Whitefield, semi auto tree planter.

3 sets of orchard fenders, came off JD utility tractors, 2440 / 2640.

Pair of 20.8×34 tires w/JD rims, 50%+.

Dual hubs, 9 bolt, off from JD 4230 tractor.

Category 1 quick hitch.

Category 2 quick hitch.

NH 195, manure spreader.

Pair, of 20.8×38 tires.

Pair, of 23.1×26 tires w/8 bolt combine wheels.

Leon, rock picker.

Roc-k-ing rock rake.

IH 1150, grinder mixer.

NH 513, manure spreader.

Patz 20′ chain elevator.

Patz 23′ chain elevator.

JD 1518, batwing rotary mower, 15′.

Land Pride, rear mount roadside/ ditch bank mower.

MF, 160 manure spreader.

Fertilizer auger for gravity box.

Fertilizer auger, 10″x20′ w/transport.

Tender wagon for grain w/hyd. auger.

Pair of 23.1×26 tires & wheels, off JD 4400 combine, good condition.

(2) Rainbow 1/4 mile irrigation hose travelers.

Pair of 17.5×24 bachoe tires w/tubs.


JD LA175, lawn mower, 26 hp., 54″ deck.  

JD X534,lawn mower,4 wheel steer, 54″ deck.

JD 345, lawn mower, w/bagger.

JD 316, lawn mower.

Bush-Hog 8ft. 3pt. back blade.

JD 666 3pt. snow blower.

Woods 6ft. 3pt. finish mower.

JD X320, lawn mower, 22 hp., 48″ deck.

Troy-Bilt, walk behind trimmer.

Frontier RB1184, 7ft. 3pt. back blade.

Mighty-Mac, walk behind lawn blower.

Land Pride RB5384, 7ft.3pt. back blade.

Spreader 3 pt., pto.

Goossen, lawn / leaf blower, 3 pt., pto.

Woods 7ft. 3pt. back blade.

Frontier ST 7526, walk behind snow blower.

JD 45 6ft 3pt. back blade.

JD TRS 27, walk behind snow blower.

3pt. round bale forklift.

Westendorf Thrifty lift, 3 pt. hyd. forklift, 6 1/2 ft. lift, like new.

Gravely, 260 zero turn mower.

Simplicity, lawn mower.

JD 676 3pt. snow blower.


JD, XUV Gator, 850D, 4×4.

JD Tx Gator, 4×2.

JD Gator 6×6, not running.


(2) 2006 Freightliner CL120 day cabs, air ride, Mercedes eng., 10 spd., 12F/40R, 22.5 tires., 7000,000 to 8000,000 miles, very clean. 

2000 Ford F250 w/utility body. 

Gooseneck trailer, 27ft., 3 axle, home made.

WW 16ft. bumper hitch stock trailer.

1983 Pete, Cummins eng., cab over, air ride, tdm. axle.

Hillsboro, 3 axle gooseneck 16′ grain dump trailer.

Home made 14′ single axle dump trailer.

1994 Starcraft popup camper

1994 Coachmen popup camper

Flooring store liquidation

Auction Information
Auctioneer Vander Kolk’s Golden Gavel Auction Service 616.799.7253
Auction Date May 05 Auction Location 3987 Brockton (40th St.) Kentwood, MI
Kentwood, MI
Click to Map
Time 10:00AM
View Photo Gallery
Auction Listing


Saturday May 5th, 2007

10:00 a.m.

Famous Flooring of Grand Rapids, Michigan has recently streamlined their operations and along with Golden Gavel Auction Service they are pleased to offer the following goods for public auction:

view the brochure

More photos to come, please check back.

Auctioneers note:
This is a great opportunity to purchase flooring and interior products, the items in this auction are too numerous to mention individually We also have several other vendors consigning. Please check our website for additions and changes.

Note: The utility trailer and 2 hi-los have been removed from this auction

Misc. tools
Flooring and Tile
many carpet remnants
Vinyl remnants
Laminate flooring
Harwood flooring
Ceramic in very useable quantities
4×4 wall ceramic
12×12 wall & floor ceramic
Misc. trim pieces
pallet racking
Carpet displays
Ceramic displays
Vinyl displays
File cabinets
Misc trees and plants
Other building materials

for more information or possible consignment info, call Lucas Spoor 616-292-5440 or email[email protected]

Cash or check with proper id due day of sale, nothing may be removed until settled for. Every item sells “as is, where is” without warranty or guarantee whatsoever. Not responsible for accidents or items after sold. This advertisement is only a guide, please inspect all merchandise. There will be a 5% buyer�s premium on all merchandise. Announcements made the day of auction take precedence over printed material. List subject to change. Check our web site for additions or changes.


Gigantic Estate Auction

Auction Information
Auctioneer Vander Kolk’s Golden Gavel Auction Service 616.799.7253
Auction Date Apr 07 Auction Location Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds
5055 Ann Arbor Saline Road
Ann Arbor, MI
Click to Map
Time 10:00AM
Auction Listing

Plan to attend, this will be an excellent auction opportunity, Scott will be assisting the guys at American Eagle on this one.

For more information visit

Click here to view photos

Click here for more photos!!

Antiques & Collectible’s: Mechanical Fishing Lure in original box, Fishing Poles, Old Fishing Reels, Original Walt Disney Celluloid Drawing (Used in an actual film!), Vintage Playing Cards, 1950’s Eye Glasses, Dice Collection, Huge Assortment of Action Figures (Muhammad Ali, GI Joe, Wonder Woman, Six Million Dollar Man, Lone Ranger and much more!), Collectible Ash Trays (Quaker State Promo, Firestone Wheel , Walt Disney Bubble Bath, Sheet Music, Halltree, Huge Assortment of vintage Dolls & Clothing, Cook Books, Avon Bottles, Old Snifter Bottle Opener, D & MRY Railroad Lantern, Vintage Advertising (Stationary, Promos and tons more!), Cowboy Advertising Thermometer from Detroit, 1916 Cress Educational Board, Dodge Brothers w/Star of David Employee Pin, J.W Miller Co. Ideal Incubator – Rockford, Illinois, 1891 ‘Our Country. It’s History & Scenes’ Book, Grand Trunk Western Railroad Promo Ad, Charlie McCarthy Die Cut, 33 1/3 Records including: Beatles, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Art Deco Bowling Stirs, Antique Photo Albums with tin types, Mexican Blankets, Miscellaneous Silhouettes, 1930’s Thrift Sign Makers in Box, Grand Western Railroad Belt Buckle, Cameras, Fountain Pens (Schaffer, Conklin etc.), Shaving Razors, Bottle Openers, Amish Cast Figurines (Reproduction), Art Deco Frames, Bookends )Trail of Tears Indians, Horses, Several Individual), Souvenir Paperweights, Auctioneer Gavel, 1950’s Place Setting Marker’s, Boy Scout Hand Books & Tie Clasp, Tin Cowboy Plate, Bone Handled Carving Set, Marble Pen Holders (15-20 count!), Sterling Silverware, Who’s Who in Major League Baseball Books, Sheffield, England Knife Set, Corpus Christi Naval Air Training Center Collectible Plate, Great Northern Railroad, Small Delft Windmill, American Flag, The Beatles Photo Locket!, 1928 Abraham Lincoln (Lucy Foster Madison) Book, Baseball Memorabilia (Detroit Tigers & Johnny Bench Souvenir Bat) and much, much more!!

Michigan Collectibles: 1930’s Michigan Souvenirs Cedar & Pine, Chelsea State Bank Promo, Detroit, Michigan Thermometers, Mechanical Banks, Vintage Advertising, Bank of Detroit Brass Piggy Bank,

Wall Hangers! Lots of vintage paintings & prints, Maxfield Parrish Litho, Wallace Nutting Hand Colored Photo, 1917 ‘The Silent Man’ William S. Hart Movie Lobby Card, Jesus Preaching in the Temple Picture, JC Engleman Land Co. ‘Excursion Party’ Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas Panoramic Photograph.

For the Boys: Collection of Pocket Knives, Solingen 630 HY Kaufmann & Sons Knife w/actual Deer Hoof handle, Pontiac & Mustang Gas Covers, Fishing Memorabilia, Sports Memorabilia

Gone to Lunch! Impressive Collection of lunch boxes! 1964 Beatles Lunch Box, Huckleberry Hound, Peanuts, Ohio Art Plad, Bonanza, Gunsmoke and more – lots more!

VIP Department: Roseville 418-4 Double Handle Bowl, Circa 1910 Roseville Vase w/ Sticker, Fenton (Signed) Satan Glass Vase, Hull Art Cornipia Vase, Rookwood Vase, 1920’s McCoy Bowl w/ Shield Marking, Art Nouveau style Figural Lamp.

Smokin’ Hot! Collectible Ash Trays, Scotty Dog Pipe Rack, Old Pipes, Lighters, Smoking Stand, Marchan Pipes, Brass Cow Ash Tray, Pewabic Ash Tray, Russel Wright Art Deco Ash Tray, Michigan ash trays.

Sweet Music: Ambassador Trombone (FE Fullerton), Continental Colonial Flute, The Buescher Trombone, Vintage Harmonica in Case and Accordion.

Pottery & Glassware: Roseville 8469, Depression Glass, Model Ware – Torque, Green Depression Glass Pitcher, Bakelite Chase Crumb Set, Goebel Fryer Tuck – Pressed Glass Shakers, E.C. Simmons Keen Kutter, Bennington Syrup Pitcher, Gouda Pottery 6″ Vase w/ Flowers, Fredrick Remington Cowboy Print, Doulton Lambeth Jug, German US Zone Tea Pot (Dog), Hamilton Beach Jadeite Mixer, Crown Coffee Mill No. 10, Weller Weiner Dog Planter, Rookwood Sun Flower Vase, Early Double Handle McCoy Vase, 1940’s Spice Rack, Pyrex Casserole Dish, Elk Theme Vase, Goldscheider ‘Madonna’, Franciscan China, Belgian Pottery, Mottoware (Several Pieces!), Hobnail Carnival Glass Vase, Occupied Japan, Green Vaseline Snack Set, Serving Platters, Fostoria Celery Dish, Pressed Bowls, Collapsible Cups (Burial Casket Co.), Hiesy Serving Dish, Several Art Glass Vases, Royal Doulton Bunnykins Childs Dish by Barbara Vernon, RS Prussia Red Bark China, Child’s Silverware Set – Silverplate in Box, Occupied Japan Candle Holder, Pink Depression Glass, Habsburg China Casserole Dish, Flash Glass, Small Hall Covered Casserole Dish, Yellow Ware Bowls, Candle Holders, Depression Wine Glasses, Lead Crystal Brides Basket, Jadeite Towel Bars, German Beer Stein, Noritakie (Claire Pattern) Service of 10 Set, Mary Gregory Vase (chip), Green Huggy Salt & Pepper Shakers, JFK Salt & Pepper Shakers, 1930’s Milk Glass Canister Set, Child’s Tea Set, Glass Flowers, Royal Albert Creamer & Sugar, Green Depression Biscuit, Jadeite Canister, 1930’s Salt & Pepper Shakers, Muncie Candlestick, Depression Juice Pitcher & Serving Glass, Art Nouveau style figural and many surprises!

The Ladies: Linens, Table Cloths, Handkerchiefs, Scarves, Avon Bottles, Vintage Lady’s Evening Gown w/ Jewels, Turn of the Century Women’s Boots, Old Cook Books, Whiting & Davis Metal Mesh Purse, Women’s Beaded Purses, Costume Jewelry, Hand Mirror and much more!

Toys: Erector Set, 1960’s Baseball Cards, Non Sport Cards, Tonka Farms Truck, Detroit Pistons ‘Bad Boys’ Memorabilia, Indoor Carpet Bowling Game, Jane West Cowgirl MARX figurine in Box, 1930’s Gypsy Fortune Teller Stand Up Litho Game, Metal Cars & Tractors, Hot Wheels, Matchbox Cars, 1950’s Panda Wind-up Toy, Farnboroush Measham Car Auction Toy, Corci Toys ‘Chitty, Chitty, Bang! Bang!’, Knickerbockers Clown Dart Game, Toy Guns, Furry Inlaid Puzzles, Uncle Wiggle’s Board Game, Olive Oil Hand Puppet, Wilma Flintstone Hand Puppet and more!

Furniture: Barrister Bookcase, Seth Thomas Metronome, Jadite Desk Lamp, Victorian Foot Stool, Art Nouveau Brass Letter Stand, Wood Hand Carved Book Shelves, 1930’s Wildlife Pictures, Quartersawn Oak Side-by-Side Secretary Bookcase, Quartersawn Oak Side-by-Side Sideboard, Primitive Tool Chest w/ Porcelain Knobs, Arts & Crafts style Magazine Rack/Stand, Case Cutlery Countertop Display, Conklin Fountain Pens Countertop Display, Arts & Crafts Foot Stool, 1940’s Spice Rack, Mahogany Drop Leaf End Table, Goose Neck Desk Lamp, Fairy Lamps, Covered Wagon Lamp, etc. etc.

Costume Jewelry: Where do we start? This auction will consist of over 100,000 individual pieces of vintage costume jewelry! We’ll be selling these by the trays with signature pieces mixed throughout! Sterling Costume Jewelry, Bakelite, Brooches, Bracelets, Rings and practically anything you can imagine!


More about this special auction.

*We accept all major credit cards, personal & business checks, Cash. Items must be paid for the day of the sale. Items must be removed from Premises within 48 hours at your own risk.

* Multiple Auction rings at this event. Bring a friend or spouse. Costume Jewelry will be sold at 12 noon in a separate ring.

*Food, Beverages and Rest Room on site

* Drivers license or appropriate photo identification is required for registration. No out-of-state checks accepted.

* Preview begins at 9:00 a.m. Auction begins at 10:00

* Auctioneer or property owners are NOT responsible for accidents that result in personal injury or theft.

* Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed matter.

*12% Buyer’s Premium (10% if paid in cash or Michigan check) will apply to your final purchases.

* Everything sold is “as is, where is” with no warranties expressed or implied. All sales are positively final.

* Remember to bring lots of appropriate packaging supplies!

* Be sure to check back to this auction page for regular updates while we uncover more goods from this work in progress.

* We strive to ensure that you will have a safe and enjoyable auction experience. We encourage that you bring a child as we’ll get them directly involved in the 2,000 plus year auction tradition.

Hamilton Agronomy – Martin Location

PLEASE SEE OUR UPDATES AND CHANGES!! VIEW FULL LISTING FOR MORE INFO. Hamilton Farm Bureau has decided to discontinue their agronomy operations at the Martin, Michigan facility. Golden Gavel Auction Service will auction the remaining assets on Wednesday January 24th, 2006 at 9:30 a.m. View the full listing for additions and subtractions. To view specifications and pictures…click the button below.

Additions and Subtraction:
Continue reading Hamilton Agronomy – Martin Location