All posts by Scott

Scott Vander Kolk Jr. - Auction manager/advertising/Auctioneer Graduate of Brunswick School of Auctioneering. Scott Jr. worked in the family auction business for 13 years before striking out on his own. Vander Kolk has done several successful auctions including lumber-yard liquidations, consignment auctions, private sales and fundraisers. Scott is a 2-time MSAA bid-calling finalist, Past President of the Michigan State Auctioneers association, current Chairman of the Board and a 2007 recipient of the Lloyd R. Braun scholarship. Scott has successfully completed the NAA Certified Estate Specialist and Benefit Auction Specialist courses, and is a member of the Michigan State Auctioneers Association. Scott is a licensed auctioneer in the state of Indiana, license # AU10900080.

18th Ann. Spring Auction

Voelker Bros. 18th Annual Spring AUCTION

March 21st 2024 – 9am

Please use online bidding link to view items in this auction.

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 Click here to bid online

Tractors * Tillage * Hay equipment * Forage Equipment * Vehicles * Planters * Livestock Equipment * Harvest Equipment * MORE

The Voelker Bros. Auction is now seeking quality consignments and farmer close-outs. Dealers Welcome!

Join us for the Big Rapids Spring Consignment Auction. Fill your farm, construction and lawn & garden equipment needs. Featuring late model and gently used equipment.  Online bidding will be available through Equipmentfacts. Items may be previewed at the Big Rapids Auction site Northland Dr. Big Rapids, MI between Hutson and Burnips Equipment., just south of 19 mile rd. exit.